
samedi 7 décembre 2013

What to eat after exercise?

Learn what foods to consume after sport can be beneficial to those who exercise regularly .Knowing what to eat after exercise is important to help your body to get into shape. No matter the time of day you exercise , the key remains to consume after a workout meals that combine protein (which help your muscles recover ) carbohydrates ( which meet the energy tanks again). Discover also what should be consumed before starting a workout

For best results, you should certainly feed you after sport but within 30 to 60 minutes after the last exercise, when muscles are most receptive (eg you stop sports 19h should ideally eat before 19:30 or later than 20h) . During this time window , an increase of enzyme activity makes the body more efficient to store glucose (to get energy ) and to make proteins in the muscles tired.

1) Beverages recovery after training or competition homemade

A combination of banana , milk and yoghurt can drink fresh and substantial sports recovery . Dairy products like milk and yogurt work well, providing both protein and carbohydrates.Bananas are filled with potassium and magnesium , of a strong electrolyte for healthy muscle function .
Drink this milkshake for breakfast after a workout in the morning, at lunch or after completing your workout lunch .

2 ) protein loaded Sandwiche

You will not regret eating a sandwich after sport , it brings what it takes to recharge quickly in a practical manner . Make sandwiches without putting too much salt, while putting enough to replace the salt that was lost after exercise. Add tomatoes for more freshness and a good dose of vitamin C.
You can also use whole wheat bread to make a very healthy sandwich. Prepare your sandwich well in advance and take it to eat after sports meeting tomorrow afternoon or eat after sports night.

3) Granola Bars

It is not always easy to get a meal or snack 30 minutes after sport. Granola bars can then be an interesting take on the go snack. Leave a few granola bars in the drawers of your desk or in the glove box of your car to make healthy alternatives to foods sold in vending machines (which are often filled with empty calories).
Among the ingredients granola bars , oats, honey, orange juice and flax provide protein , carbohydrates and good fats . Nuts and dried fruits bring iron to maintain healthy red blood cells . Mix the sweet and crunchy yogurt low fat snack if possible . Just remember to be controlled portions of these granola bars , because it is a high energy food that is calorie dense .

4 ) Breakfast energetic

An egg sandwich is perfect as a breakfast room after sport. There are proteins in both the yolk and white of eggs, and this dish uses a combination of both to increase protein intake while keeping the calories and fat under control
.Eggs also provide zinc , which helps the metabolism and immune system as well as vitamin B12 , which supports cell production. Cheese and fresh vegetables complement this dish to restore tired muscles and recharge your energy reserves.Besides eggs for breakfast after a workout , you can also try a bowl of cereal reduced sugar with skim milk.

You can also try the milk chocolate , very good as provides 3 parts carbohydrates to 1 part protein ( or the ideal proportions for a food to eat after the game) . Chocolate milk also helps to rehydrate your body because it contains a lot of water (at least 85 %).

5 ) Fish protein responsible

Salmon is a great source of protein (not to mention its many omega -3 good for the heart ) . So you can eat after the sport of salmon with steamed vegetables and brown rice to give your body healthy carbohydrates and B vitamins that help produce energy .
The protein-rich salmon, in accompaniment with the fibers of steamed vegetables and brown rice , you will be satisfied after sports night, you avoid cravings late at night. The remainder of this dish can be served again with a salad after a workout the next day at noon .

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