
vendredi 27 décembre 2013

10 Easy Tips For Achieving A Toned & Sexy Physique


Below are 10 quick and easy tips you can use to make sure you are looking your best when you hit the beach.
Everyone’s favorite season is just around the corner and you’ve probably already spotted the large selection of bathing suits that are lining the store walls. Are you ready to bare your body this year? If not, don’t panic, there is still plenty of time to prepare yourself. Below are 20 quick and easy tips you can use to make sure you are looking your best when you hit the beach.

1. Drink More Water.

Staying well hydrated will not only keep your skin looking clearer but it will also help reduce any bloating you are experiencing from the foods you eat. If you aren’t getting 7-8 glasses a day, now is a great time to start.
Remember it doesn’t have to be plain water either; many people get sick of the taste after 3-4 glasses, there are many flavouring add-ins such as Crystal Light on the market today to give it more flavour.
Or, if you are trying to get your protein intake up there, look into Syntrax’s line of Nectar proteins. These mix terrific with plain water and taste almost like Kool-Aid!

2. Add In Some Uphill Walking.

If you are a big fan of walking for your cardio workouts, try ramping this up by going at it on an incline. This increases the intensity greatly and will really target your glute muscles.
If you want a toned back side, this is one form of cardio that will get you there fast! Alternate periods of incline with flat (or alternatively find a hilly path to walk on) to build up your endurance.

3. Give Yourself A Small Treat.

You may be tempted to put anything that isn’t 100% clean on the ‘off-limits’ list for your diet in your efforts to lose weight as quickly as possible. While it’s great to have this motivation, it may not be the best method.
You might be able to avoid all temptation for a good week or two but after that generally most people will find it harder and harder to say no. If they keep pushing themselves though, they are creating a lot of cognitive dissonance in their minds (one part is saying yes, while the other is saying no).
This could lead to an all-out binge where you consume thousands of calories in a sitting. Rather than letting it get to this point, simply allow yourself a single, small piece of chocolate or half a scoop of your favorite ice cream each day. Those 20-50 calories won’t amount to a whole lot of damage to your diet and could really help you stick with it for the long term.

4. Don’t Forget To Work Your Back.

With so much of the focus on legs and abs, many women forget to spend a good portion of their workouts on their back. Don’t underestimate the power a nicely defined back can have on your overall appearance this summer.
Make sure you are including bent over rows, lat pull-downs and pull-ups in your workout sessions at least once per week to target these muscles.

5. Avoid Horizontal Stripes.

When choosing your bathing suit, you will more than likely want to avoid wearing horizontal stripes. These will really make you look wider than you are which is something almost everyone wants to avoid.
Solid colors tend to look the best and then remember to keep thing simple around any areas you are less than confident about (for example, if you feel you have large hips, avoid anything that ties around this area – it will only draw more attention to it).

6. Try One Of The Many Fat Burners Available.

Some individuals may want to add a supplement to help speed their fat loss along. There are plenty of fat burners on the market today that do just that.
They vary in what they contain so if there are any particular ingredients you are sensitive to or simply don’t want, it’s more than likely you can find one tailored to your needs. Many of these will act as appetite suppressants as well, helping to keep that hunger in check while you are dieting.

7. Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Essential Fats.

Getting a good intake of essential fatty acids is extremely important if you are looking to lose body fat. These will help it so you do not become insulinresistance and make your body better able to utilize carbohydrates.
You should aim for about 6 grams per day, either in supplemental or food form. Since most people do not consume this much strictly from food alone, most will opt to use a supplement.

8. Reduce Your Stress.

If you are feeling enormous amounts of stress over squeezing into your bikini already, this isn’t going to help your body look any better. When we have high stress levels our bodies tend to produce more cortisol, which can trigger the storage of abdominal fat in some people.
Look for ways in which you can reduce your stress, such as taking a yoga class or having a nice warm bath before bed. It will be well worth your effort and could create a noticeable difference in your physique.

9. Hit The Gym Before The Beach.

If you are planning on going to the beach for the day, trying to get in an early morning workout is a smart move. Make sure you hit the weights during this workout as the stimulation will help to bring more oxygen to your muscles, giving them a fuller and more ‘pumped up’ appearance.
As far as ‘faking it’ goes in terms of looking toned and defined, this is your best option. Focus on doing slightly higher rep ranges, aiming for about 10-15 reps per set to really increase the amount of sarcoplasmic inflammation you experience (which will lead to fuller looking muscles).

10. Relax!

Lastly, don’t forget to have a good time this summer. Remember that the more comfortable you feel, the better image of yourself you will project and thus the more attractive you will look.
Don’t force yourself to wear a bathing suit that you don’t think looks good. If you still aren’t completely confident, look for one of the wraps they have available.
Be proud that you are making a dedication to your exercise and fitness plan, even if you haven’t obtained your ideal body, you are so much healthier now than before and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

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