
vendredi 15 novembre 2013

Slim down on the mat

Aerobic treadmill exercise provide strength gain and weight loss , with this type of physical activity a great ally of athletes who seek to reduce the percentage of body fat.

Here are some tips for using the treadmill :

- Treadmill and bodybuilding : run or walk after bodybuilding training because the exercises with weight significantly accelerate metabolism , thus optimizing fat burning during aerobic activity performed on the treadmill ;

- Type of workout : make the option for a workout that consists of intercalated speed variation . Soon after the explosion , when the heart rate this higher , more pronounced fat burning occurs
 . To optimize lipose is advisable to combine a fast walking, jogging explosion and walk slower
.Training 40 minutes can be divided into 04 series as follows:
- 05 minutes of brisk walking at a speed of 6.5 km / h
;- 02 minutes of running at the speed of 9.5 km / h ;
- 03 minutes walk slower in speed of 4.5 km / h ( at this time the peak in fat burning occurs )

 .The training should be guided by physical education professionals , nutritionists and doctors . Success for fat loss and lean mass gain is the combination of balanced diet , proper exercise and supplementation


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