
jeudi 14 novembre 2013

Councils to muscle his abs

How to get a flat stomach ? To start do not forget to do exercises for the abdominals is not a panacea . To lose stomach fat fast, a balanced diet is as important as training. Do weight training without paying attention to what you eat limit your results. We advise you to look at our sports nutrition products to put the odds on your side to remove your curves and your centimeters of fat too . Here are our 15 tips and tricks to strengthen your abs and have a slim stomach.


Although the order of the exercises is secondary to the development of abs , the lower part of the rectus is weaker and requires greater coordination among most practitioners. In general , start with exercises that seek lower abs before the upper and obliques , but you can switch from time to time .


We must learn to breathe properly if it does not come instinctively . When you work the abs , inhale during the relaxation phase and exhale forcefully during contraction . While emptying the lungs promotes a more complete and intense contraction.


Once you have mastered the basic exercises and built a solid foundation , add different exercises to train your abs . Choose a variety of movements performs two functions : shocking the muscles so they do not get used to the same exercise . It also allows them to work from different angles , which optimizes their development by increasing the recruitment of muscle fibers.

Spinal alignment

Although there is a bending of the spine in most abdominal exercises (especially the top ones ) , keep the neck, head and shoulders aligned in the effort. Correct position avoid the risk of neck injuries . The positioning of the hands plays an important role in maintaining this alignment. If you cross your fingers behind your head , you'll probably pull forward and it will not be aligned . Instead, put your hands behind your ears or on the temples .

Contraction of the abdominal

To get the most from any exercise , we need to focus on the sensation of contraction of the target muscle and this is particularly true for the abs . Often beginners sin of lack of discipline and experience while experienced practitioners sometimes lose concentration needed to feel the muscle concentration to 100%. Without this mental effort , the technique may deteriorate and a good ab workout will become a purely mechanical work. You may find it helpful to place a hand on your abs , not only physically feel the contraction , but also to remind you to focus your attention on the movement and maintain the contraction for a moment.

Sets and repetitions

Follow this bodybuilding program for abs if you need a work plan . In general, there is a series of 10 to 15 repetitions if you want thicker and more pronounced abs , 15-25 reps for volume and a little more muscular endurance, and more than 25 repetitions if you want a flat stomach, but not bulky muscles .


Virtually any muscle group antagonist group that must lead to ensure symmetry and balance (biceps / triceps , hamstrings / quadriceps , etc. . ) . For abs, lower back muscles are antagonists . Exercises such as back extensions or deadlift must be in your program to avoid an imbalance in muscle development .

Basic movements

To perform advanced exercises for the abs , you have to have the strength and coordination. Beginners will have to start with simple exercises bases. As you become stronger and better coordinated , you can incorporate more complex exercises in your program if you try to do it without adequate preparation, there is a danger of poor performance , hence ineffective training and / or injury . Beginners should not worry too much about either achieve their goal at all costs reps : just take a break and then repeat the exercise .

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