
mardi 23 juillet 2013

how to get a flat abdomen fast

1 * Adopt schedule regular meals :
 It is important to eat at regular intervals. It is even advisable not to remain without eating more than 4 hours.

That is to say, if you take your breakfast at 7:30, you will take your lunch at noon, a snack at your dinner
 and 16h to 20h. Adopt good eating habits. It will do you good.

2 * Do not swallow too quickly:
 Some are gifted in this area. Hurry, or another reason? They simply do not bother to eat according to the
 standards. You must adopt the habit of eating slowly. Do you know that medicine teaches us that digestion
 begins in the mouth? So, taking the time to eat, your body will be sated much faster. This will allow you to
 avoid fat and have a flat stomach.
 3 * Exercise:
 In addition, pay attention to what you eat, exercise is necessary to coat the stomach. Of course you can run,
 bike, swim or flex their muscles but that the exercise has direct effects on the stomach, you need to do abs. Bodybuilding abs is not complex. To do this, lie on the floor with your feet flat. Take the bust by lifting the
 blades only. The rest of the back is glued to the ground. Do not place your hands behind your neck because
 it is not good for the neck. Do not place your feet under a support because there are lower back that does
 not like. If this is too easy, rather take a few pounds of weight that you

put on your chest, holding his arms crossed. Make at least 5 abdominal sets of 15 to 20 repetitions with
30 seconds recovery. Think also that are oblique to the sides. For this, nothing is simple. Take the position
 just now but in the end movement, rotate your trunk as to bring the right shoulder to left knee and vice versa.

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